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Ten Things You Should Know About Me

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

1. Hello, my name is Sarah, and I am obsessed with food.

*photos from Walt Disney World’s Wine and Dine Festival*

2. I am constantly wondering if I have enough time to bake something, or three.

3. I often get caught up in creating new recipes and forget about my overwhelming to-do list…um, laundry, weeding the gardens, and weeknight dinners?

4. My BFFL, best friend for life, is also my sister-in-law. Through her I met my husband, Mr. Muscles.

5. I am always surfing Instagram and food blogs for new inspiration.

6. I don’t have a bucket list so much as I have places I want to eat at and chefs I am dying to meet. No sky diving for this gal 😉

7. I am not a native Oklahoman. I swore 12 years ago that Oklahoma was a steppingstone to our next adventure but alas…still here.

8. I adore cold weather and cry when I know summer is approaching here in Oklahoma – guys, it’s HOT here. My sneakers practically melt into the pavement come August.

9. I love showering my inner circle with food. It makes my heart happy to see people enjoying the fruits of my labor.

10. We rescued an enormous four-year-old cat, Le Chat Monsieur, from a local shelter. As a family we gave him a back story and everything because, well, why not? Just so you know, Monsieur is French-Canadian, bilingual, and the sworn enemy to birds.

Since my BFFL extraordinaire, Katie, and I were 17 years old we dreamed of opening a bookstore in a tourist town in Michigan. She would operate the bookshop side and I would handle the coffee/bakery side. We may be *cough* older, but the dream is still very much alive. Katie was, and still is, the loudest one cheering me on, telling me to take the plunge, and BAKE.

I had several friends ask me if I would be willing to make pastries for them. They saw my posts on social media and thought it looked amazing but didn’t have the tools, time, and/or desire to bake it themselves. Those requests were the catalyst that launched the “maybe someday” dream to the realization that a bakery could be possible. I might not be able to open a brick-and-mortar storefront at this time, but I could start small with a bakery out of the comfort of my own home.

Karl Mecklenburg once said “you need to take small steps when you dream big.” So here I am taking my first step…The York Post is an online cottage food bakery in Oklahoma that happens to offer original recipes and a blog about life. I can’t wait to see what the next twelve months have in store…

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